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Barleria coriacea Oberm. subsp. dinteri (Oberm.) I. Darbysh.

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Barleria coriacea subsp dinteri

Image 1
21 Jun 2018

Barleria coriacea subsp dinteri

Image 2
21 Jun 2018

Family: Acanthaceae
Full name: Barleria coriacea Oberm. subsp. dinteri (Oberm.) I. Darbysh.
ID status: Fairly certain
Afrikaans common name(s): Ludwigslust-barleria
English common name(s): Leather leaf barleria
Synonym(s): Barleria dinteri Oberm
Barleria quadrispina sensu Dinter
Status: Native
Description: Barleria coriacea Oberm.: Compact spiny subshrub, 5 – 50 cm tall; stems with variable internode length, sometimes with many contracted internodes and spiny nodes; branches 4-angular, whitepuberulous and sometimes strigulose when young, hairs concentrated on two opposite sides or more widespread, later glabrescent;mature stems soon becoming woody and stout, with grey bark. Axillary spines white, 2 – 4 (– 6)-rayed, stalk 0 – 2.5 mm long, longest ray 5 – 23.5 mm long, straight. Leaves often held ± erect at least towards apex of stems, sessile or petiole to 6 mm long; blade somewhat coriaceous, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, 2.5 – 7.3 × 0.8 – 2.2 cm (l:w ratio (2.6 –) 2.8 – 4.6:1), base cuneate or attenuate, margin entire, apex acute to rounded, mucronate, young leaves with few to numerous appressed short white hairs, these later sparse and mainly alongmargin and veins beneath or glabrescent, broad sessile glands ± numerous towards base beneath; lateral veins 3 – 5 pairs. Inflorescences axillary but sometimes clustered towards stem apices to form loose leafy spikes; flowers solitary at each axil, sessile; bracts foliaceous, often with more numerous and conspicuous sessile glands towards base; bracteoles white, spinose, (8 –) 11 – 27 × 1 – 2.5 mm, margin entire. Calyx (greenish-) white, anterior and posterior lobes subequal, lanceolate, anterior lobe 10.5 – 15 (– 20) × 3 – 5 mm, posterior lobe 11 – 16 (– 22) mm long, both longattenuate into apical spine, anterior lobe sometimes bifid, margin entire, external surfaces and margins sparsely strigulose or glabrescent, with scattered broad sessile glands, 2 (anterior) or 1 (posterior) vein(s) prominent; lateral lobes linear-lanceolate, 9 – 13 mm long. Corolla yellow or pale orange, 29 – 48mm long, glabrous externally or tube with short hairs; tube cylindrical, 10.5 – 16 mm long; limb in '4+1' configuration; abaxial lobe offset by 4 – 10 mm, this and lateral lobes broadly (ovate-) elliptic or obovate, 12 – 20 × 7 – 13 mm, apices acute, attenuate or rounded with minute acumen; adaxial lobes narrower, 6 – 9mmwide. Stamens inserted 7 –9mm frombase of corolla tube, filaments 15 – 26 mm long, shortly pubescent; anthers (3 –) 3.5 – 6 mm long; lateral staminodes 1 – 1.7 mm long, pilose, antherodes 0.4 – 1.2 mm long. Pistil glabrous; stigma linear, 1 – 2 mm long. Capsule 13 – 17.5 mm long, glabrous; seeds 7 – 8 × 5.5 – 6.5 mm. (from A taxonomic revision of Acanthaceae tribe Barlerieae in Angola and Namibia. Part 1, Iain Darbyshire , Erin A. Tripp & Frances M. Chase, 2019)

Barleria coriacea Oberm. subsp. dinteri (Oberm.) I. Darbysh.: Often a very compact shrublet with contracted internodes. Immature leaves with ± numerous appressed short white hairs throughout, giving the young foliage a glaucous appearance. Bracteoles (11 –) 14 – 27 mm long. Corolla lobes with apices usually acute or attenuate. (from A taxonomic revision of Acanthaceae tribe Barlerieae in Angola and Namibia. Part 1, Iain Darbyshire , Erin A. Tripp & Frances M. Chase, 2019)

Yellow flowers.
Link(s) African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium
Züricher Herbarien
iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer)
iNaturalist (Namibia)
iNaturalist (southern Africa)
Flora of Zimbabwe
Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie
Tree Atlas of Namibia
Content last updated: 18 Apr 2024

Note: The identification of some of the plants on this website is not 100% certain. Any comments will be highly appreciated. I would also be willing to supply higher resolution images upon request. Please contact me at the e-mail address given below.

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